Measuring Debt Burden
Donets, S.A. Measuring Debt Burden / S. A. Donets, A. A. Ponomarenko; The Central Bank of the Russian Federation. — Moscow : Bank of Russia, 2015. — 21 p.: il.. — (Working Paper Series; № 5/ June). — References: P. 21.
Adequate debt burden measurement and benchmarking is a necessary condition for an efficient policy implementation by a central bank. This is conditioned by a number of factors. First, debt burden indicator is an important measure of banking system stability and can serve as a leading indicator of banking crises. Debt level is also a factor that amplifies fluctuations in the real sector of economy, especially in unfavourable periods. Thus, the analysis of changes in debt burden indicator is directly related to a central bank’s objectives to maintain financial and macroeconomic stability.
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