Practical it Auditing

Practical it Auditing


Practical it Auditing

Champlain, J. Practical it Auditing / J. Champlain. — 2nd Ed.. — New York : Warren Gorham & Lamont, 2002. — . Руководство по проведению аудита информационных технологий.. — 11954.00 р.


Practical IT Auditing is an authoritative reference for both the novice and the experienced IT auditor. It provides the step-by-step guidance necessary to audit the latest PC, mid-range, and mainframe-based systems and applications. The revised and expanded second edition includes up-to-date coverage of: The effects of technology on controls and auditing; Information security issues and best practices; Practical application of the COBIT framework in IT audits; Specific and detailed guidance for auditing LANs and WANs, Unix systems, mainframe and mid-range systems, Windows NT Server 4.0, Windows 2000 Server, SAP R/3, and more; System development and automated testing; General and application-specific controls; Business continuity planning. Audit checklists and audit programs are included throughout plus they are also provided on disk
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