Capital Markets

Capital Markets


Capital Markets

McInish, T.H. Capital Markets : A Global Perspective / T.H. McInish. — Oxford : Blackwell Business, 2000. — 430 p.. — . Обзор рынков капитала.. Содержание : An introduction to financial markets and their products ; Secondary markets ; Transaction costs ; Clearing and settlement ; Regulation ; Equities ; Debt securities ; Debt securities: theoretical considerations ; International parity relationships ; Foreign exchange ; Markowitz and the capital asset pricing model ; Futures ; Options ; An introduction to swaps ; Hedging. — 500.00 р.


This work concentrates on principles that financial professionals, regardless of geography, need to know, rather than on local institutional details. Designed for advanced undergraduates and MBA students, the book explains Capital Markets concepts in a way that requires no prior course work. Using a financial and trading perspective rather than an economist's perspective, the book examines integration across and within product types of equities, debt securities, derivatives and foreign exchange. It incorporates a market microstructure approach to study these product types and the effects of trading on their prices, risks and transaction costs.

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