Монеты и банкноты Монгольской империи

Монеты и банкноты Монгольской империи


Монеты и банкноты Монгольской империи

Монеты и банкноты Монгольской империи, Coins and currencies of the Mongol Empire, Монголын Их Эзэнт улсын зоос, монгон тэмдэгт. 1 / Bank of Mongolia; instigator N. Bayartsaikhan; editors: B. Lkhagvasuren, S. Chuluun. — Present on occasion of the 95th Anniversary of the Bank of Mongolia and the Development of Banking Sector in Mongolia. — Ulaanbaatar : Central Bank of Mongolia, 2018. — 196 с.: il., maps. — ISBN 978-99978-779-0-1.


Within the history of Mongolia, and its studies, one of it's most important issues faced is the relationship that existed between economics and commerce. Moreover, such issues can be understood from the perspectives which explores and studies different nomadic societies, and aspects of it's everyday life. And within such studies, the most important and thorough verification and corroborations can be made through the study of currency - coins and banknotes. This publication presents readers an extensive and comprehensive tableau of the coins and currency used throughout the history of Mongolia and its subsequent generations. Additionally, this catalogue, made possible with the efforts of the Bank of Mongolia and the esteemed Ancient Antiquities Scholar and Collector Batsaikhan, has attempted to explore the economics and commerce involved within the nomadic every day life from its quintessential foundations and roots. It is my firmest belief, that these two volumes shall attest the successes they have achieved in their endeavors. Even more impressively, it is a testament to the handwork these individuals and institutions have made to lay out the academic foundations for the further study of coins and banknotes under the study of numismatics.
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